Friday 28 February 2014

FLASH MOB : Promotional strategy and Influential Method to any event

Creativity and innovation of new ideas allow any event participants to remain active , hoot within crowd and energy level maximum. Any event organized likes to keep its viewers active on the basis of their dance performance , fashion show , role play or songs sung .
The idea behind such promotional strategy lies in understanding the emotional and behavioral method of the consumers or the viewers . No matter how long a speech delivered on one side and a short dance performance on the other side , the people tend to watch the performance because of the psychological attraction where we try to portray ourselves as we were dancing at the place of the performers . The song behind playing also allows to create an impact on the thoughts of the viewers as they can easily be connected since it’s quiet easy to remember the songs listened and when someone performs on them , we usually tend to get attracted to them .
Today , we the M3  batch of ITM Business School just wanted to take a day break from all the heavy work load that each and every member of the batch are doing in the areas of organizing , creativity or decoration . We lead our whole attention to gather a huge mob around the Canteen premise during the lunch break so that we can create an impact on everyone about what capability we got within us . A FLASH MOB was organized , uninformed to any , sudden , instantly and fantabulous dancing performance came up by our fellow class representatives . All performers tuned totally in the beautiful rhythm of motivational songs like JAI HO and CHAK DE INDIA . It was good ambiance that had been created for a while and the entire crowd turned to be tuned on the dancing Jodi of male and female performers.

Yes , FLASH MOB is so influential and has always been fabulous to add credibility to the work we do in terms of decoration , documentation , hoardings or banners . It’s a great concept which is a back bone but it enlightened my thoughts when I saw new performers taking active participation to support the event of E – week and to develop a kind of motivation and inspiration within each and every individual that WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE DECIDE and SUCCESS JUST LIES FEW STEPS AWAY FROM THE DAY WE DECIDE TO FEEL THE CHANGE .  

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